United States Department of Agriculture Agencies, Links,and Contacts for Hawaii


Agency (back to top)


Hawaii Contact

Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services

Administers farm commodity, crop insurance, and resource conservation programs for farmers, and makes loans through a network of state and county offices.

Farm Service Agency-Hawaii

Farm Service Agency-National

Administers commodity and related land use programs designed for voluntary production adjustment, resource protection, and price, market, and farm income stabilization. Including Commodity Programs, Emergency Assistance, Grain Reserve Program; Dairy Refund Payment Program; Indemnity Program; National Security; Conservation Programs.

Phone: (808) 541-2600 x 1
Fax: (808) 541-2648
Hawaii email:

Farm Loans-National

Offers direct and guaranteed loan programs to help farmers who are temporarily unable to obtain private commercial credit.

Commodity Credit Corporation-National

The Corporation stabilizes, supports, and protects farm income and prices, assists in maintaining balanced and adequate supplies of agricultural commodities and their products, and facilitates the orderly distribution of commodities. Programs include Commodity Stabilization and Foreign Assistance Programs.

Federal Crop Insurance Corporation-National

A Government-owned corporation whose purpose is to promote the national welfare by improving the economic stability of agriculture through a sound system of crop insurance.

Foreign Agricultural Service-National

Has primary responsibility for USDA's overseas marketing information, access, and development programs. Also administers USDA's export assistance and foreign food assistance programs. Programs include the Commodity Credit Corporation's Export Credit Guarantee Programs and the Export Enhancement, Dairy Export Incentive, and the Market Promotion Programs.

Agency (back to top)


Hawaii Contact

Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

To ensure access to nutritious, healthful diets for all Americans.

Food and Consumer Service-Hawaii

Food and Nutrition Service

To administer programs to make food assistance available to people who need it. Programs include: Food Stamps; Special Nutrition Programs (National School Lunch Program; School Breakfast Program; Summer Food Service Program; Child and Adult Care Food Program; and the Special Milk Program for Children); Food Distribution; Supplemental Feeding Programs (Women, Infants and Children); Commodity Supplemental Food Program; and Nutrition Education and Training.

Phone: (808) 541-2858
Fax: (808) 541-3664
Hawaii email:

Agency (back to top)


Hawaii Contact

Food Safety

To insure that meat, poultry and eggs and their products moving in interstate and foreign commerce were safe, wholesome, and accurately labeled.

Food Safety and Inspection Service-Hawaii Meat, Poultry & Egg Inspection Program

Food Safety and Inspection Service-National

Mandatory inspection of animals and birds used for human food: cattle, calves, swine, goats, sheep, lambs, horses (and other equines), chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, and guineas, and eggs and egg products.

Phone: (808) 541-1796
Fax: (808) 541-3649
Hawaii email:

Agency (back to top)


Hawaii Contact

Marketing and Regulatory Programs

Administers standardization, grading, inspection, certification, market news, marketing orders, and research, promotion, and regulatory programs.

Market News Service-Hawaii

Agricultural Marketing Service-National

Programs include: Market News; Standardization, Grading, and Classing; Laboratory Testing; Food Quality Assurance; Section 32 Programs (expanded marketing program); Regulatory Programs (such as PACA); Marketing Agreements and Orders; Plant Variety Protection Program; Research and Promotion Programs; Transportation Programs (including Organic Standards); and others.

Phone: (808) 973-9578
Fax: (808) 973-9590
Hawaii email:  

Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service-National

To conduct regulatory and control programs to protect and improve animal and plant health for the benefit of man and the environment. Programs include: Regulatory Enforcement and Animal Care; International Services (first line of defense for pests); Biotechnology, Biologics, and Environmental Protection; Animal Damage Control.

Plant Protection & Quarantine-Hawaii

Plant Protection and Quarantine-National

Responsible for programs to control or eradicate plant pest and diseases.

Phone: (808) 541-1980
Fax: (808) 541-1978
Hawaii email:

International Services-National

To provide leadership, management, and coordination of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) international activities, with particular emphasis on protecting American agriculture/aquaculture and enhancing U.S. exports.

National Wildlife Research Center-Hilo

The Hawaii Field Station (one of eleven located throughout the United States) was established in 1967 to conduct research to reduce rodent depredation in Hawaiian agricultural crops, particularly sugarcane and macadamia nuts.

Hilo Field Station
P.O. Box 10880
Hilo, HI 96721
Phone: (808) 961-4482
Fax: (808) 961-4776

Veterinary Services Programs-Hawaii

To protect and improve the health, quality, and marketability of U.S. animals and animal products.

Phone: (808) 861-8560
Fax: (808) 861-8570
Hawaii email:

Hawaii Sterile Fruit Fly Rearing Facility

Phone: (808) 259-8822
Fax: (808)
Hawaii email:

Post Office Inspection-Hawaii

Phone: (808) 422-1854
Fax: (808)
Hawaii email:

Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration-National


Establishes official U.S. standards for grain and other assigned commodities, and for administrating a nationwide official inspection and weighing system. Activities include: Inspection; Weighing; Standardization; Methods Development; Compliance; Packers and Stockyards Activities.

Agency (back to top)


Hawaii Contact

Natural Resources and Environment

Responsible for fostering sound stewardship of 75 percent of the Nation's total land area.

Forest Service-Hawaii

Forest Service-National

To achieve quality land management under the sustainable, multi-use management concept to meet the diverse needs of people. Programs include the National Forest System; Cooperation with states; Forest Research; International Forestry and Human Resource Programs (Youth Conservation Corps and the Volunteers in the National Forests programs).

Phone: (808) 522-8230
Fax: (808) 522-8236
Hawaii email:

Natural Resources Conservation Service-Hawaii

Natural Resources Conservation Service-National

Helping farmers, ranchers, and other private landowners develop and carry out voluntary efforts to conserve and protect our natural resources. Programs include: Conservation Technical Assistance; National Resources Inventory; National Cooperative Soil Survey; Snow Survey and Water Supply Forecasting Program; Plant Materials Program; River Basin Surveys and Investigations; Public Law 83-566 Small Watersheds Program; Public Law 78-534 Flood Prevention Program; Emergency Watershed Protection Program; Great Plains Conservation Program; Rural Abandon Mine Program; Wetlands Reserve Program; Water Bank Program; Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Program; Forestry Incentives Program; and the Farms-for-the-Future Program.

Natural Resources
Conservation Service
Federal Building
300 Ala Moana Blvd
Honolulu, Hawaii 96850

Phone: (808) 541-2600 ex 101
Fax: (808) 541-1335
Hawaii email:

Resource Conservation and Development Program-Hawaii

A locally-driven program that encourages civic-oriented groups to work together sharing knowledge and resources in solving common problems facing their region.

Phone: (808) 541-2600 ex 119
Fax: (808)
Hawaii email

Agency (back to top)


Hawaii Contact

Research, Education, and Economics

To create, apply, and transfer knowledge and technology to provide affordable food and fiber, ensure foods safety and nutrition, and support rural development and natural resource needs of people by conducting integrated national and international research, information, education, and statistical programs and services that are in the national interest.

Agricultural Research Service-National

Provides access to agricultural information and develops new knowledge and technology needed to solve technical agricultural problems of broad scope and high national priority.

Pacific West Area office for Hawaii: 800 Buchanan St., Albany, CA 94710

National Agricultural Library

Provides information services (both electronic and hard copy forms) over a broad range of agricultural interests.

Tropical Fruit, Vegetable and Ornamental Crop Research Laboratory-Hilo-Hawaii

P.O. Box 4459,
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Phone: (808) 959-4300
Fax: (808)
Hawaii email:

Sugarcane Production Research-Hawaii (within HARC)

Phone: (808) 487-5561
Fax: (808) 486-5020
Hawaii email: [email protected]

Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service-Hawaii (within CTAHR-UHM)

Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service-National

Provides the focus to advance a global system of research, extension, and higher education in the food and agricultural sciences and related environmental and human sciences to benefit people, community and the nation. Programs include Plant and Animal Production, Protection and Processing; Natural Resources and Environment; Rural, Economic, and Social Development; Families, 4-H, and Nutrition; Partnerships; Competitive Research Grants and Awards Management; Science and Education Resources Development; and Communications, Technology, and Distance Education.

Phone: (808) 956-8139
Fax: (808) 956-9105
Hawaii email: [email protected]

Economic Research Service-National

Produces economic information through a program of research and analysis on a vast array of issues.

Office of Energy and New Uses

To act as the focal point for all energy-related matters in USDA.

Hawaii (National) Agricultural Statistics Service-Hawaii

National Agricultural Statistics Service-National

Prepares estimates and reports on production, supply, price, and other items necessary for the orderly operation of the U.S. agricultural economy.

Phone: (808) 973-9588
Fax: (808) 973-2909
Hawaii email:

Agency (back to top)


Hawaii Contact

Rural Development

Rural Business-Cooperative Service-Hawaii

Rural Business-Cooperative Service-National

To assist rural America in using their abilities to improve their quality of life. Many business and community loan and programs as well as cooperative services.

Phone: (808) 933-3000
Fax: (808) 933-6901
Hawaii email:

Rural Housing Service-National

Provides loans and grants to rural residents and communities unable to obtain credit from commercial sources at reasonable rates and terms.

Rural Utilities Service-National

A credit agency (w/ grant programs) that assists rural electric and telephone utilities in obtaining financing and administers a nationwide water and waste loan and grant program to improve the quality of life and promote economic development.

Agency (back to top)


Hawaii Contact

Alternative Agriculture Research and Commercialization

To assist the private sector (individuals and companies) in closing the gap between research results and commercialization of industrial nonfood and nonfeed products made from farm and forestry materials.

Agency (back to top)


Hawaii Contact

USDA Graduate School

Graduate School-Hawaii Graduate School-National

To offer continuing education to career related adults.

Phone: (808) 947-1138
Fax: (808) 941-6276
Hawaii email:

Source: Information adapted from The United States Government Manual 1996/1997, Office of the Federal Register.